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Magento EE Check If Order Item Has Been RMA’d

One great feature of Magento Enterprise is that it comes with an RMA system completely built in. Its a very good feature to have if you have a high volume of sales. The system is a bit confusing to learn, from a user interface perspective, but once you get the hang of it its not that difficult.

From a programmatic perspective, it makes sending out order specific information a bit more complicated and will also affect any sales data forecasting tools that you have custom built. Below is a snippet of code to help determine whether an order has any RMA’d items, programmatically.

Below is a quick snippet of code to load an order, go through each of its items, and determine if the item has been RMA’d. Obviously this is a very basic “hello world” application demonstrating the concept in Magento EE, but it can be used for various other scripts.

$id=123456; //order id as an example
$order=Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($id); //use an entity id here
$rma_items=getRmaItemsByOrder($id);//get our rma items..just in case
//load our list of items.
$items = $order->getItemsCollection();
foreach($items as $item):
    print "<BR>ITEM: ".$item->getId();
    if (in_array($itemid, $rma_items)):
      //Do your RMA work here.
      print "Item was RMA'd"; 
//Given an order id (NOT incrementid), return a list of product ids that have been RMA'd successfully
 function getRmaItemsByOrder($orderId)
        $connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
        $adapter = $connection->getConnection('core_read');
        $subSelect = $adapter->select()
                array('main' => Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('enterprise_rma/rma')),
            ->where('main.order_id = ?', $orderId)
            ->where('main.status NOT IN (?)',
        $select = $adapter->select()
                array('item_entity' => Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('enterprise_rma/item_entity')),
            ->exists($subSelect, 'main.entity_id = item_entity.rma_entity_id');
        return array_values($adapter->fetchPairs($select));

$id=123456; //order id as an example
$order=Mage::getModel(‘sales/order’)->load($id); //use an entity id here
$rma_items=getRmaItemsByOrder($id);//get our rma items..just in case
//load our list of items.
$items = $order->getItemsCollection();
foreach($items as $item):
print “<BR>ITEM: “.$item->getId();
if (in_array($itemid, $rma_items)):
//Do your RMA work here.
print “Item was RMA’d”;
//Given an order id (NOT incrementid), return a list of product ids that have been RMA’d successfully
function getRmaItemsByOrder($orderId)
$connection = Mage::getSingleton(‘core/resource’);
$adapter = $connection->getConnection(‘core_read’);
$subSelect = $adapter->select()
array(‘main’ => Mage::getSingleton(‘core/resource’)->getTableName(‘enterprise_rma/rma’)),
->where(‘main.order_id = ?’, $orderId)
->where(‘main.status NOT IN (?)’,
$select = $adapter->select()
array(‘item_entity’ => Mage::getSingleton(‘core/resource’)->getTableName(‘enterprise_rma/item_entity’)),
->exists($subSelect, ‘main.entity_id = item_entity.rma_entity_id’);
return array_values($adapter->fetchPairs($select));

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