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Easy to Create Deep Fake Videos

UPDATE: 9/5/19 added the tutorial videos.
UPDATE: 9/6/19 added our new Harrison Ford deep fake.
UPDATE: 9/9/19 added our final Harrison Ford deep fake.

As part of our R&D background and shiny new technology appreciation, we came across an article about a new easy to use program that builds creates “Deep Fake” videos in minutes.

Anyone with a decent CUDA capable video card, can take multiple video data sets, strip out the characters faces, and swap the faces of the main video characters with another person.

The program is relatively straight forward to setup and you can get pre-compiled binaries for different platforms here.

There is a fantastic new user video guide that is extremely easy to follow in creating your very first deep fake video below.

It amazes us how easy it is to create a deep fake and the sheer capabilities of the free software package. Its a bit concerning if you imagine the capabilities of those that possess far better hardware and commercial grade software. Fake and real video clips will be almost impossible to tell in just a few short years.

1.) Always clear out your data_dst/merged folder after each conversion. Otherwise you will get weird “matrix” conversion errors etc.

1.) Here is our very first attempt at swapping Shia LaBeouf with Robert Downey Jr. It did not turn out very well and looks like something out of nightmares (Our Attempt).

2.) 9/6/19 Per YouTuber (EZRyderX47 we ran a new model test using the SAE process and about 10 hours of training. Results are slightly less awful than before and about 100% more hilarious with Harrison Ford. Attempt Deux

3.) 9/9/19 Final Pass- Our final attempt after a few days of training. Amazing how well it looks. One could spend hours tweaking the final product to get it to look seemless. The technology is only going to be easier and faster to do in the future.

Tutorial Videos
1.) No Sound and older, but still good
2.) Best Guide- EP1
3.) Best Guide- EP2
4.) Another Guide we found: Here

A list of some astounding deep fake videos can be found here .

(Our favorites are the Nicholas Cage mash up. Its hilarious!).

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