
July 21, 2016

Fix WordPress Missing Visual Tab

Just a quick tip, but recently we stumbled into a strange situation, when having added our WordPress blog to Varnish, the visual tab went missing in the WP Admin. This seems like a common issue and we tried every fix we found on the web, but to no avail. We were about to add SCRIPT DEBUG (

define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );

)when on a whim we once again removed WP from varnish.

For some strange reason that worked. So obviously, something in WP Admin didn’t like our varnish cache configuration for some reason. We then just bypassed wp-admin from the Varnish and everything started working again.

Tech Tip: In the vcl_recv sub of your varnish VCL file, add the following bypass:

        # Remove blog wp-admin instead of entire blog
        if (req.url ~ "wp-admin") {
                return (pipe);

Hopefully this can help some folks who have varnish and run into similar issues.

Need any help? Feel free to drop us a line!